2017/2018 Brochures from NovyMed
Would you like more information about our NovyMed products? Then download our latest product brochures from our range:
The brochures can be downloaded in English and/or Dutch. In addition, the brochures are available in various other languages on request, ask us for the possibilities.
DOC Classic
In order to mobilize eye surgery operations Novymed has developed a unique concept which offers stability, mobility and agility for eye surgery operations: The DOC concept.
U-Shape 953
The X-Ray Stretcher U-Shape 953 is the ideal system to fit your trauma patients needs from the minute they arrive in a hospital environment.
Perlei Children's Bed
The Novymed Perlei Children’s Bed is an eye catching children’s bed that features ease of use with regard to safety and functionality.