Mobile operating

In order to mobilize eye surgery operations Novymed has developed a unique concept which offers stability, mobility and agility for eye surgery operations: The DOC concept.
The Dynamic Operating Chair concept
The DOC concept offers many advantages: it allows pre op-preparation, treatment and or surgery together with recovery from one location. There is no need to transfer the patient from his or her location, minimizing risks for infection or complications. The patient stays in the DOC during the whole procedure from admission, surgery to recovery. The operating chairs of Novymed offer these possibilities.
Key points of the Novymed mobile solutions
- Before and after surgery there is no need to use an additional bed or stretcher, this saves time and capital investment.
- Transfer of the patient from a stretcher to the operating table becomes irrelevant. Therefore the DOC operating chair relieves all clinical nursing staff and the patient.
- Research shows that efficiency will increase significantly by 40-50% when using multiple DOC operating chairs.
Our products
The Mobilizing DOC Concept

In order to mobilize eye surgery operations Novymed has developed a unique concept which offers stability, mobility and agility for eye surgery operations: The DOC concept.
X-Ray Stretcher U-Shape 953

The X-Ray Stretcher U-Shape 953 is the ideal system to fit your trauma patients needs from the minute they arrive in a hospital environment. It is developed in close cooperation with experts from within various leading trauma centers.